Friday, January 9, 2009

Message from Bruce Whitaker

Happy New Year to all of my staffing industry compatriots. Wow! What an interesting end to 2008 we had. Like it or not 2009 brings with it a new President, a new administration and a stock market whose graph is less defined than my signature.

Again, with this newsletter we’ll be conducting our poll to see if any segments of our business are experiencing an up-tick in job orders and revenue. I suspect we’ll find all markets are impacted to some degree, and obviously, some more than others. I can tell you that the IT, Engineering and Healthcare markets that my firm serves are all a little soft but okay. We are not seeing the doom and gloom that some pundits are forecasting. There is no doubt that the phrase we have all heard “bad news sells newspapers” is true with today’s media. I would only hope that our staffs won’t pass on the “bad news” and will instead share with their clients that we’re all still here, we’re all still doing fine and we think 2009 will end up being an excellent year. Spread the news.

We here at TAPC are all very excited about the upcoming Lobby Day. (Please see further information in this newsletter.)

Obviously, the more industry representation we get at this event the more our legislators become aware of us, our needs and our causes. If you haven’t signed up yet, please contact Helene Cavanaugh and help us make an impression on Austin.

Finally, we are looking for a great conference in Houston this year. The line up of presenters and exhibitors is, I think, the strongest we have ever had. The price is right and so are the people. I hope you will join us.

Let’s all defy the economic “doom and gloomers” and have a great 2009. See you in Austin.

All the Best,

Bruce Whitaker
2008-2009 TAPC President

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