Tuesday, March 25, 2008

There's so much to do at the TAPC Annual Conference in April!

You might want to start planning!

  • If you are an owner or manager, decide if you want to attend Danny Cahill's Owner/Manager Retreat on Friday and Saturday (4/25-4/26) or attend the Direct Hire and/or Temp Breakout sessions on Friday and Saturday 4/25-4/26. Either way, you get top notch speakers and two days that will energize you for the rest of the year!

  • If you or someone in your office has less than 2 years of experience, decide if they will go to Mike Lejeune's "Rookie University", a "soup to nuts" all day program on Thursday 4/24/08!

  • SOLD OUT! Decide if you'll attend the Thursday night President's boat ride reception on the boat that leaves from the dock right behind the hotel on Thursday 4/24/08 (cost is $25 per person and includes food-cash bar will be provided)

  • Decide if you'll attend the Friday night Awards Banquet at 6:30 on 4/25/08 in the hotel's ballroom - Danny Cahill will do an opening monologue, there's a live band, great food, and a totally new awards format! If you aren't an award nominee, come and help us celebrate top billers across Texas! Lots of surprises! If you're attending, you might want to plan your "Red Carpet Entrance" as there will be awards for "Best Dressed Table", "Most Spirited Table", "Owner with the most attendees present", "Person most happy to be here", "Best Red Carpet Entrance", and more! This is a great event with lots of visiting and networking time! You have to eat dinner anyway; why not eat at the awards banquet and enjoy the new surprises and fun!

  • Plan to visit the exhibitors! We have new exhibitors this year and many returning exhibitors as well. We have surprises in store with regard to the exhibitors! Take a look at the schedule and be sure to find time to visit the exhibitors for extra fun!

  • Plan to attend the "End of the Conference Margarita Party and Silent Auction". You'll have the opportunity to use complimentary auction tickets and purchase more tickets (at only $2.00 each) to "stuff the auction boxes" with tickets to win fantastic items! The auction will be set up near the onsite bookstore, massage therapists, and exhibitors so be sure to go by and check out the items before the end of the day on Saturday! Stuff those boxes! Browse in the bookstore and get a complimentary massage! And, enjoy a margarita with us on Saturday at 3:45!

  • If you are an owner or manager, attend the Saturday 7:00 am Owner/Manager breakfast with Fran Goldstein. Fran will present her "ROI" program - it's early but a great way to start the day! Fran gets consistently high ratings each time she speaks in Texas!

  • Think about who you want to meet or visit with at the conference! We have a "Linked UP Lounge" at this year's conference. You'll have an opportunity to get face to face with speakers, other conference attendees, and exhibitors who are at the conference. Use our "Linked UP Lounge" as a vehicle to make connections with as many people as you can. We'll help you make those connections with an organized process and vehicle to do so. And, after each visit at the "Linked UP Lounge" you'll receive a "Link" - on Saturday at the "End of the Conference Margarita Party" the person with the longest chain of "links" will receive a free 2009 conference registration!

  • Plan for the breakout sessions you want to attend! There are many excellent speakers this year! There are also a variety of roundtables on Saturday afternoon you might want to consider!

  • Be sure to get to the ballroom a few minutes early on Friday and Saturday for the morning general session/keynote session and for the Friday and Saturday lunches! For all of those we have some exciting openings you won't want to miss! Don't be late or you'll miss it! Then, the keynote speakers on Friday and Saturday and both day's lunch speakers are fantastic! Come early and get a good seat!

For more information about the conference and activities, go to http://www.tapc.org

Make sure you make your hotel reservations early (information is on the TAPC website) - the hotel is filling up fast!

Helene Cavanaugh, CTS
Executive Director, Texas Association of Personnel Consultants (TAPC)
1.888.974.2272 (phone)
1.866.488.7601 (fax)
13121 Louetta Road, Suite 1175
Cypress, Texas 77429

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